Kind regards 1/23

Kind regards
Thank you to all beings, to all energies involved and to all causes that are causes of all causes.

About the current status
Online shop - homepage
Our homepage www.mayamunay.com , which is still under construction, is now ready for first visits and orders.
With the password: maya2023! you get access to the online shop .
This means that from now on you and your friends can place orders yourself.
As a thank you to you
10% on first order
Use the code Descuento10% at checkout
With this link below, you will automatically come to the homepage, where you can enter the password maya2023! may use
To all Cacao supporters:
Recommendation model
We have received requests from some wonderful people to create an energetic referral exchange. We would like to make this possible and are grateful that you are bringing Maya Munay into the world with us.
Anyone can now receive a “discount code” for this.
By passing on the code, the person placing the order receives a 10% discount on the purchase and the recommender receives 10% of the ordered quantity in the form of Cacao. These will be offset against the recommender's next order.
The discount code is used during the ordering process in the online shop before payment is completed.
To receive discounts or the subsequent credits, please share your discount code with your friends.
If you are interested in a discount code, please send us an email loverecommendation@mayamunay.com your name and your desired discount code . To do this, create a continuous word and do not use spaces or special characters .
An example of this: “Mayamunaypeaceinderwelt” . We will then activate your discount code and send you the confirmation.
If you are interested in cooperating as a reseller, please send us an email to loverecommendation@mayamunay.com .
If you have any inspiration for us on how we can adapt this so-called “recommendation model”, please share it with us.
The following two newsletters will contain information about our cacao project in Macuro, Venezuela, as well as an invitation to accompany us on a trip to the Amazon in 2024 about the project and the origin of cacao.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your benevolent support of cacao. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to share the love that we bring to us from Venezuela here and that it has been accepted by you.
We wish each and every one of us continued healing and optimal experiences with and through the essence of cacao.
May you accept and give all the gifts that are yours in this life.
In South America they say: “Nada es el tuyo hasta que lo regalas”
Which means something like “Nothing is yours until you share (or “gift”) it”.
We hug each other - from heart to heart
Have a good path.
Bendiciones and abrazos
Annie & David
Please visit us on our new Instagram page at: https://www.instagram.com/mayamunay.yosoycacao/
If you no longer wish to receive our heartfelt greetings (newsletter), simply let us know by email.
PS If you would like to support our cacao project in Venezuela, you can sponsor a cacao tree and we will plant it with your intention and you will support 43 cacao farming families in Macuro, Venezuela. Further information about this via this Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cxvc21GIfPO/?img_index=1
English version
Love & Blessings
Aloha and bom gia dear ones.
Thank you to all beings, to all energies involved and to all causes that are causes of all causes.
In South America they say:
“Nunca nadie llega a ningun lugar solo”
"Nobody ever gets anywhere alone."
We are where we are now thanks to you, your trust and your support. Many thanks to everyone involved!
In today's newsletter we would like to share with you the first access to the new homepage as well as some information about recommending Maya Munay and we are very happy about every progress we make and that we can walk this path together.
To the current status
Online shop - homepage
Our homepage www.mayamunay.com, which is still under construction, is now ready for first visits and orders.
With the password: maya2023! you get access to the online shop.
This means that from now on you and your friends can place orders yourself.
As a thank you to you
10% on your first order
Use the code Descuento10% at checkout.
This link below will automatically take you to the homepage where you need to use the password maya2023! to access.
To All Cacao Supporters:
Referral model
We have received requests from some wonderful people to create an energetic referral exchange. We would like to make this possible and are grateful that you are bringing Maya Munay into the world with us.
Anyone can now receive a “discount code”.
By passing on the code, the person placing the order receives a 10% discount on the purchase and the recommender receives 10% of the ordered quantity in the form of Cacao. These will be offset against the recommender's next order.
The discount code is used during the ordering process in the online shop before payment is completed.
To receive discounts or the subsequent credits, please share your discount code with your friends.
If you are interested in a discount code , please send us your name and your desired discount code to loverecommendation@mayamunay.com . To do this, create a continuous word and do NOT use spaces or special characters . An example of this: “Mayamunaypeaceonearth”. We will then activate your discount code and send you the confirmation.
If you are interested in cooperating as a reseller, please send us an email to loverecommendation@mayamunay.com.
If you have any inspiration for us on how we can adapt this so-called “recommendation model”, please share it with us.
The following two newsletters contain information about our cacao project in Macuro, Venezuela, as well as the invitation to accompany us on a trip in 2024 to the project and the origin of cacao in the Amazon.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your benevolent support of cacao. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to share the love that we bring to us from Venezuela here and that it has been welcomed by you.
We wish each and every one of us continued healing and optimal experiences with and through the essence of cacao.
May you accept and pass on all the gifts that are yours in this life. In South America they say: “Nada es el tuyo hasta que lo regalas “Which means something like “Nothing is yours until you share it (or “gift it”)”.
We hug each other - from heart to heart
Have a good path.
Bendiciones and abrazos
Annie & David